A second generation ophthalmologist, Dr. Mark G. Kosko knew from an early age his father’s calling would be his. “I remember praying to God at five years old that I could grow up to do what my dad did too,” he poignantly recalls. “I grew up around my father’s office. I saw him love what he did and I saw his patients love him right back. I just thought that was the coolest job in the world.”
Decades later, Kosko still carries a child-like enthusiasm and deep-rooted passion into his work, detailing, “I think my wife would attest to this too, but the honest truth is, I absolutely love what I do as an eye surgeon - so much so, it’s both my job and my hobby.”
When he is not at work, he spends time editing eye surgery videos and attending ophthalmologist meetings. “I feel absolutely blessed to truly love what I do.
“I am a very detail-oriented person, and eye surgery is definitely detailed and tedious,” he continued.
“My favorite thing about treating patients is doing cataract surgery. I feel most naturally gifted in cataract surgery, especially any sort of unusual or challenging cataract surgery or cataract surgery ‘re-do,’ Kosko explained. “I am happiest in my work when I feel like I have given someone the absolute best surgical outcome they could have possibly had, particularly with some sort of tough or unusual case.”
He is also happiest at Jackson Eye Associates. “I have been fortunate through the years to practice ophthalmology in three different states with a lot of really great people. I am happiest right here at JEA. I have been here over four years now and I know I will be here forever,” Kosko proudly proclaimed.
“We spend a lot of time with our patients,” he continued. “Our doctors truly care for our patients. Patients can expect a non-stressful atmosphere where their doctors listen to them, hear them and seek the very best outcome for their patients. Everyone on the JEA team gets this mentality, and we strive for excellence with a friendly smile.”
That “friendly smile” has also become a trademark of Dr. Kosko’s care. “I often write little blurbs in the chart about the patient’s family or life or something striking they have shared with me, so that I can ask about it at their next visit. I remember at one visit, a really nice, older gentleman was talking to me about the importance of family. I think he had come from some challenging circumstances in his life, and while he acknowledged that not every situation is rosy and perfect, he told me that the best thing I could do for my kids was to love their mother, my wife. That really struck me, and it’s still in his chart to this day.”
The advice, while memorable and striking, was and is an easy to-do for Kosko, the eternal family man. He and his wife Susan have four children, and together, they love to take trips to the beach and mountains. He can also be found at least three times a week jogging in the family’s neighborhood or Natchez Trace, pushing at least one, usually two of the children in the jogging stroller.
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